What is ZOMDir?

ZOMDir (www.zomdir.com) is world's most flexible directory. Besides that is ZOMDir an ongoing project, which resulted in these useful tools.

This page describes in short the characteristics of the link directory.

World's most flexible directory

ZOMDir is combination of a link directory and an open wiki.

Hence everyone is able to add, edit or remove links. Adding a link requires only 3 steps.

  1. Consider which link you want to add
  2. Go to the page where you want to add the link
  3. Click "Add the missing link" and enter the address

Short comic which explains how to add a link to ZOMDir

World's most flexible directory

ZOMDir is a multilingual open directory of World Wide Web links. In theory an unlimited number of combinations of subjects and locations is possible.

This is too much for an editorial team to process, hence it is decided that ZOMDir should be an open wiki.

As a result of this radical choice, it makes sense that anyone can change the following:

  1. almost every text
  2. all subjects and locations, including
    1. the text used for the subjects and locations
    2. the hierarchy of the subjects and locations
  3. every link
    1. add a link
    2. edit the linktext of a link
    3. remove a link
    4. promote a link
    5. demote a link

Automatically enforced guidelines

To prevent chaos some guidelines are automatically enforced. The main automatically enforced guidelines are:

  1. only working links are allowed
  2. redirected links are not allowed
  3. each link has to be unique
  4. only safe links are allowed
  5. broken links are removed automatically

Unique links

The rule that only unique links are allowed prevents spam. ZOMDir can't be used to link multiple times to the same webpage.

The intended side effect is that everyone who adds a link first thinks carefully where that link should be.

Safe links

The rule that only safe links are allowed is inconsistent with ZOMDir's philosophy. The directory thedarksideof.zomdir.com solves this problem, because only 'unsafe' links are allowed in this direcory.

Directories and Search Engine Optimization

In general directories have a bad reputation for Search Engine Optimization.

The main reason is that a lot of link directories contains:

  1. unrelated links at the same page
  2. a lot of affiliate links and ads
  3. a lot of broken links

So think before you add a link. Your link should be at a page which is helpful for the users.

  1. One link at a page isn't helpful
  2. A linkpage with unrelated links isn't helpful
The backlink paradox

Paradoxically, this means that it is better to have your link on a webpage that also links to your competitors than on a webpage where you are the only one.

Knowing more?

For more information regarding the directory ZOMDir follow one of the following links:

  1. About ZOMDir
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. A slideshare presentation regarding the edit options
  4. A Prezi introduction to ZOMDir
  5. The Prezi 'Add a link in a blink'

You can try out how ZOMDir works in the specially set up website try.zomdir.com.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you want more information regarding ZOMDir.

Best regards,